Andre times, other Dragons - New Release from the past, Publisher
A Cultural History of the Dragon by Wolfgang Schwerdt now in bookstores
With "Andre times, other dragons has just published the second book of the Hessian Lichtenauer district Wickersrode journalists live for Archaeology and Cultural History, Wolfgang Schwerdt. After his debut, the fantasy novel "The Dragon Keeper" (March 2010 AAVAA-Verlag), is now also his non-fiction about cultural history of the Dragon, published by the small but beautiful Berlin Verlag past, all available in bookstores.
D he Vergangenheitsverlag is a 2008 as a spin off of the Humboldt University in Berlin, founded in historical non-fiction book publisher.
Wolfgang Schwerdt is one of the most prominent German lodges Draco (dragon culture-historical research). His studies on the cultural history of the dragon he published in the journal DRACON "(1999 - 2002) and in the form of lectures and seminars.
the book: Since at least 5000 years, the dragons are the ideology of human cultures almost everywhere on Earth. Today we should focus on the fantasy world in all its different forms as the habitat of the mythological monster. The scientific research is concerned with the dragon history of human culture, not only art, but all manifestations of life of human communities, from the technology policy and the economy to the philosophy and social organization.
From the contents : What the hell is a dragon? - Marduk the matricide or the source of the Dragon - The Secret of the old snake - Uranus wayward children - Leviathan, Fafnir and the medieval heroes - The discovery of the world and the dragons of modern times - The Dragon in the tension between romanticism and science - the long 19 . Century - The old dragon in the modern world - what the hell that is a dragon?
Wolfgang Schwerdt: Andre times, other dragons, A Cultural History of the Dragon .
Series: Small cultural stories, 1 Edition Vergangenheitsverlag 2010th 140 Pages, soft cover.
20 Fig. ISBN :978-3-940621-25-2
Readers & Media
"Whether ancient Greece, medieval Europe, the romance or the long 19th century. The author touches with an enormous technical security through the cultural epochs and the different currents highly entertaining, he describes how changed the understanding of dragons over time and over again, as of the "Nibelungenlied" "Beowulf" , the Brothers Grimm, the industrial progress, the latest scientific discoveries, and even psychoanalysis was strongly influenced. All horizons are torn as easily understandable and comprehensible. "
Nicole Korzonnek, Suite101 read full article on
" As a journalist sword carefully prepares this every topic profound and highly informative on to a maximum value to create for the viewer. He was made, however, not in scientific gibberish, but writes an entertaining and amusing, making this work is suitable for any layman, this is now in fantasy, dragons, interested myths, epics and history in general.
for all levels, wants to know was ein Drache denn nun ist."
vollständige Rezension auf amazon
Wolfgang Schwerdt im Gespräch mit Nicole Korzonnek von über sein neues Buch "Andre Zeiten, andre Drachen". zum Interview
"Kurzweiliger Lesestoff für Anspruchsvolle. . . . Der auch aus seinen Artikeln bekannte feinsinnige Humor des Autors lässt die Lektüre zu einem wirklich kurzweiligem Vergnügen werden, . . . Für Kulturinteressierte und Kulturwissenschaftler fast ein „Muss“, für alle anderen, mit Ausnahme vielleicht der kleinsten unter den Drachenforschern, eine unbedingte Empfehlung."
Kornelia Matzanke, History Magazine complete article on history.mediaquell
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