Initially, there was Wikipedia - the world with millions of users so far, in all languages - then Facebook, wikis, blogs, open source tools, Twitter, RSS feeds, ... a parallel world to the network of institutions and companies formed. The parallel world seems to be the principal thing.
They could be a while ignore as uninteresting side effect and dismissed the parties as quirky nerds who were brought up with the times to keep to the rules of an emerging (to) forming government i, a world Internet-Government would be adopted -> Sun Internet Governance Forum
be for some time, the Web 2.0, but no longer ignore and dismiss, on the contrary, it has arrived in the mainstream. Everywhere moves virtually every / r in it. Little more is the issue of addiction, threat or potential for disease young people, more issues of security and data protection, access the current interest. The question whether any person needed the Web 2.0, has done - of course, any / r be it - the only question is how and to what extent.
Tim O'Reilly (1) in 2005, where in comparison to Web 1.0 a few examples of the parallel world of Web 2.0: What is Web 2.0
Web 1.0 ; ; Web 2.0
DoubleClick ; -> Google AdSense Ofoto
-> Flickr
Akamai ; -> BitTorrent
; ; -> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite ; -> ; and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication
and formulated some principles for working outdoors free network :
• strategic use of the network as a platform
• I checked on my own data base and use the other as a resource
• Service packages instead of commercial software Products
• Architecture of participation - using the collective intelligence
• Cost-effective scalability of the programs (Extensibility)
• data remixable! - That can be combined with each other and transformable source data and data sources
• easy deployment of data from various sources by communicating different programs and processes through simple http interface
• Integration of all mobile devices (cell phone, ...) • Interactive user interface
The social network is immersive - its participants are immersed in it: it's interactive, it is emancipatory, democratic. The unwritten law of his ethics is
- competence and self-responsibility versus paternalism -
namely the informal (free access to free content), informational (releasing what I information) and communicative self-determination.
The Web 2.0 has arrived in the library.
From the Archive of the Enlightenment " from that of the guardian and guardian, metering Erin knowledge of the library itself to the social network.
The profession Bibliothekar_in changes, she / he will broker / in of information, technical skills, Bewerter_in of information.
The Library 2.0 is user-oriented and user-driven.
The gap between a thoughtful librarian for searching and helpless, disappearing of help readers, the communication is egalitarian, both learn from each other and work out issues and solutions together - it's the "read only" culture in the direction of a new "read / write "multi-media culture of exchange and cultural remix (Of the new mixed together, re-treatment).
The Social Web is the new public
public can be seen as a hub of social experience (after Negt ), compared to counter-public ( Spehr ) (2) than to creating space democratic communication conditions ( Habermas ) (3) or as a media generated space (Luhmann) (4).
It reflects / distorts any case subject to existing power relations and historical change.
As to the "public sphere" in the presence of mind, how it works, is certainly very diverse:
The new networked "public sphere" is modeled, designed ... "but it is not made of certain tools, but is created by social practices that are enabled by these tools" (Benkler 2006) (5) The new
connectionist culture - it acts like a neural network with shallow junctions and interfaces, it has an open dynamic structure - that it changes constantly, by developed and integrated content and processes.
the group into are basically the same - they have the same opportunities and even if they are very passive or behavioral specialist, have their few messages but more chance which are perceived to be falling perfectly into the pattern of specialization - as outside the network. (See long tail - short tail distribution )
New Held_innen this culture are mobile, versatile, flexible, globalized, awake, alert, multi-tasking, quick-acting.
like the term public is redefined, also experienced the concept of personality, "character", "I" in the social web of new dimensions "Identity Management" - inventions ego, I design, modeling and design in life processes of identity politics. Man I manages projects and operates Relationship Management - provides his personal public -
are created not only many fragmented audiences, but also several aspects of identity, multiple selves of a "actor" or users - depending on which fragment of the Web 2.0 and real life are operated by man.
Not long ago, maybe 30 or 40 years, that work has taken place in solid, usually lifelong employment. Probably alienated by the division of labor organization, hierarchically arranged - as a prize for social security, continuity, predictability and guaranteed freedom in private.
The new work place within the electronic service economy, knowledge society, instead of information society - have certainly shifted the economics of industrial societies away from production to services and their placement.
companies and institutions are discovering the benefits of the social Web, which from now on no longer seems so socially for themselves.
internal networks so created interactive intranet or can be installed and to facilitate the communication that accumulate collective intelligence, a playground for ideas and fun at the workplace, and - incidentally provide additional employee information - perhaps.
The library, since the time of the Enlightenment allocated to the public space, an economic factor so far only tend to cost factor, is now an economic player: it has to be utilized (digitized and duplicate) to offer products as they are also providers of services - and simultaneously object and subject in terms of information and communication:
• as an object of desire for information carriers or users of data
• as user and inventor or Mitentwicklerin of search engines and data mining (" Knowledge Discovery in Databases")
• as subject is it Internet provider - a provider of digital objects and services, Verwerterin of content or technical services which are for the use or operation of content and services on the Internet requires
• be monitored subject is the Entlehnsysteme, media security, video monitoring, filtering sites ...
The fundamental change in the profession of Bibliothekar_innen has taken place within the last 20 years. It's quick before you is deep and leaves no choice. Least of all time and skills development to mitzuvollziehen the changes to critical or influence.
No wonder the happiness with the multiplication of tools and software versions, restrict the freedom of personal choice last at work more border, is sympathetic.
The respective intranets in libraries, designed to cover the need for both internal communication and private secondary actuation meet in social networks, and is, despite some of the acclaimed features of Web 2.0 is not a warm welcome to the extent and used as intended.
There are some points that play a role
requires a CMS that is purchased, including installation and service, a call by corners, which in reality rather than by the principal of the Mitarbeiter_innen be determined. Who pays is determined, and will use modalities and needs speculated without involving those affected
The system is thus achieved, there is induction training and the calls to employees, the Intranet and its services to use interactively. Might also disappear the tools of internal communications that were previously in use.
The Intranet is defined as thus, as prescribed by experienced and the essential characteristics of Web 2.0 that make the participation of so interesting - equality in communication, personal responsibility, self-knowledge - are missing here. Yet, rather, if the use of barriers such as access codes, hierarchical Permission pyramids and the need for expensive training is connected and recognized in terms of time and energy costs little benefit (for the Nutzer_innen) is.
Many thanks to the speakers of the Brain Pool Courses
"Research on Web 2.0" - Mark Buzinkay - am 11.09.2010
"Current Issues in Information Ethics" - Fritz Betz - am 11.22.2010
(1) very active software developer in the area free software and a pioneer in the development of the Perl scripting language involved. In 1975 he completed his studies in classical antiquity studies with summa cum laude from Harvard University. O'Reilly is also the author of several books he sells in his own publishing house. His article about Web 2.0, he was instrumental in popularizing this key word in (quote Wikipedia)
(2) counter public creates, where the fixed, unwritten or de facto rules exceed the prevailing public to make speakable what prevails in the public not be said, or what there> is neutralized by the form ... when it comes to usability, is \u0026lt;(Brecht 1926, 20) - Christoph Spehr: development and meaning of the term "counter-public"
(3) To critical function of publicity in the present must restore, "in the political Operating the public powers are subject to effective democratic public bid "(Habermas. Structural Transformation of the Public, p. 339-342)
(4) It goes further than Luhmann public self-referential system of" mirror "function. Public opinion is a mirror in which the objective is to observe how the observers themselves and others are shown in public. ( contexts)
(5) "The Wealth of Networks - How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom - Yochai Benkler
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