Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mushy Dog Poop Probiotics

Intellectual Property: The Mickey Mouse Monopoly


James Boyle taught at Duke University in the U.S. state of North Carolina law. He is co-founder of Creative Commons and Science Commons, both platforms have made it their mission to provide information, data and knowledge on the net usable and accessible to as many as possible. James Boyle deals with copyright, intellectual property apart and software patents.
The website of James Boyle

While negotiators from the U.S. and EU in the negotiations on the anti-piracy agreement (ACTA) regulations require more stringent enforcement of intellectual property rights are increasingly loud voices that want to heave the existing copyright on the test. One of them belongs to the U.S. lawyer James Boyle. He throws the copyright before sharpening the support of monopolistic structures.

Boyle made some time ago in Vienna attention to himself when he said at a meeting of the Information Retrieval Facility (IRF): ". Not science communication in the network works," The network no longer working for the science, but was only a platform for commercial activities. In his view, characterize Misunderstandings, paradoxes and outdated concepts of the discussion on intellectual property in the network.

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