Friday, July 16, 2010

Fortiguard Nasıl Devre Dışı Edilir

Merchant Kings

the world's great monopolies of the modern era

organizations such as the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch West India Company, the English East India Company, the Russian American Company, the Hudson Bay Company or the British South Africa Company had 1600-1900 for profit and 'homeland', the world also economically conquered by military means. Relation these quasi-governmental trade organizations with names like Peter Styvesant are Pieterszoon Coen and Sir George Simpson. The book ' Merchant-Kings when companies ruled the World ' describes the story of six of these 'big' business-minded, ruthless and charming personalities and their powerful trade organizations.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How To Grow Floor Length Hair

targeted sanctions

He switched from his night vision device. What those were for nights when Magic Marker and spray cans in underground shafts, subway depot and highway overpasses slipped to flood the post-modern self-discharges with pure Baroque painting. Pure Gangster Baroque, far from being beautiful to be, not even very ugly or obscene. And now these people who went through never Underground Mining, never at a motorway bridge, hung have never been in police custody, but have mixed their terribly wild and broken put up Underground dummies between, on behalf of their resourceful event agent from to produce the lower classes and Baroque neonschön verhässlichte obzönisierte operating art for the established names of contemporary art audience. It's just so, thinks the art soldier was seized in this planet earth from contemporary art, he looks worse and worse. They should understand it, he thinks, but they should not know beforehand what I will do.

How To Wash A Weavon Brazilian Hair

Canada, USA and steam navigation

three outstanding books from the Dover-Verlag

undertaken after the review of the Texas A & M-book "Red Cloud" about the history of the upper Mississippi steamboat i ch for a priority review focus on 'American steam-river transport' decision. Three new editions or reprints of historical treatises of various kinds, I have ordered for that purpose by Dover Publications.

"Steamboats on the Western Rivers" , an economic and technological history of American steam-river transport on the Western rivers, first published in 1949 by Harvard University Press, Cambridge.

"Steamboating on the upper Mississippi , first published in 1937 by the 'State Historical Sociaty of Iowa,' treated the same theme as' Red Cloud ', among other things, that is, the role of the upper Mississippi steamboat in the' State-Werdung 'Canada.

"Stanton's American Steam Vessels" is an unabridged reproduction of a 1895 book published with illustrations and descriptions of some 250 American River and Coastal steamers of the 19th Th centuries.

carefully read one or the other editor colleagues is now certainly the idea came that I could make out the issues presented by these books interesting articles for his medium. . . was there not also the birthday of Canada as the appropriate concept? I am happy to take orders corresponding w.schwerdt against @

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Itchiness After Brazilian

Gallo Glass, Celtic, bow and arrow

new books for history buffs

Gallo Glass, which were the Scottish Clans mercenaries in the service of Irish and English lords on the Emerald Isle. A relatively unknown chapter of Irish history, the reader is introduced in " Gallo Glass 1250-1600, Gaelic Mercenary Warrior .

Twice Celts. Tesserae from the series, research on Roman-Germanic Central Museum I have made the book "Celtic Celtic Celtic traces in Italy?". With "The era of the Celtic princes I present to you a book about the society of the 'Hallstatt Celts' before.

And finally a very special treat "bow arrow quiver of six continents" , 2010 as the German Edition published 'Catalogue' of the Charles E. Grayson Collection of the 2009 dead American bow hunter and collector.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dog Edmonton Teeth Cleaning Cost

Library 2.0-Stammtisch

The first Vienna Library 2.0-Stammtisch is to serve the networking community of librarians who are interested in these new technologies. The goal is an exchange of experiences, what works, where there are difficulties, or even what tools will be used as follows. Our model is the successful Berlin Library 2.0-Stammtisch .
the way: World Cup is not an excuse, this day is - especially for us - match free!

time and place: Hollerei, Holler Gasse 9, 1150 Vienna, Thursday, 8 July 19 - about 22 clock (accessible by U4 Schönbrunn or 57A Hollergasse)

Please RSVP with Patrick Danowski or Monika Bargmann To the restaurant not surprising in one way or the other completely ("perhaps" is okay too)! Login via Facebook on - as a comment in the blog VÖB ? p = 6869 - or other Web 2.0 tools

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tmarzetti Sprint Corporate Discount

time for a new copyright

"An age is less marked by ideas which will be discussed, but rather by ideas that are tacitly taken for granted. " The U.S. says the writer Jonathan Lethem and he means the copyright. In the band Copy.Right.Now! the Heinrich Boell Foundation and other authors call Lethem, a new copyright for the 21st Century.

The issue of intellectual regaining explosiveness: 39 States in April, a draft 'Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement " (ACTA) presented . The agreement is designed according to the authors' copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs and patents "protect.

And indeed with a whole set of sanctions. Anyone who feels harmed is allowed to call according to the design high penalties and compensation for lost sales. Punished and those who provide funds for the violation of copyrights and patents are available. Of Internet service providers are required not to divulge pirated, otherwise they are liable for damages. !

For Copy.Right.Now authors ACTA is a symptom that the development of copyright currently has only one focus: the fight against "piracy" in the interests of the exploiters, the movie and music industry from software companies and publishers. The industry is reluctant to extend the copyright in such a way that it helps her to control the information assets for as long as possible to them as scarce goods to private consumers to To sell it says in the foreword by Dr. Andreas Poltermann, head of the 'domestic political education' of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.

It came, however, important to reform the copyright law fundamentally. "... Only if ACTA is being driven, processed but not the question of the copyright in the information society, and are thinking about necessary adjustments, uses the creative probably little," writes the journalist Monika Ermert.

Thus, the "Copyright in the Information Society to work from scratch," is primarily concerned the review 'The Gordian knot pierce - Ideas for a new copyright concept 'by Dr. Till Kreutzer. Kreutzer calls a "fundamental debate on regulatory alternatives to the current system, which does not stop even before the review of essential principles of copyright."

read more --->

Dr. Till Kreutzer - Further reading:
"reform of copyright in the information society - education-friendly copyright by the Second and / or third basket ", lecture by T. Kreutzer at the Campus Innovation 21 November 2008 in Hamburg.

"Copyright in the Digital Domain", Workshop of T. Kreutzer at Club Transmediale 28 January 2009 in Berlin.

"Copyright and Digital Archiving - An area of conflict at a glance", lecture by T. Kreutzer at the symposium "between technical ability and legal permission" of the German Film, on 11 September 2008 in Berlin

"Open Source and Copyright - who influences whom?", lecture by T. Kreutzer kit at the 8th @ Congress: "IT Compliance - IT and Public Safety - Open Source "on 30 May 2008 in Berlin (conference report).

Google Book Search - and future business models for authors and publishers, "Lecture by T. Kreutzer at the" Industry Hearing book market "of the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the media and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology within the "cultural and creative industries initiative of the Federal Government on 25 February 2008 in Frankfurt / Main (together with M. Spielkamp).

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Intellectual Property: The Mickey Mouse Monopoly


James Boyle taught at Duke University in the U.S. state of North Carolina law. He is co-founder of Creative Commons and Science Commons, both platforms have made it their mission to provide information, data and knowledge on the net usable and accessible to as many as possible. James Boyle deals with copyright, intellectual property apart and software patents.
The website of James Boyle

While negotiators from the U.S. and EU in the negotiations on the anti-piracy agreement (ACTA) regulations require more stringent enforcement of intellectual property rights are increasingly loud voices that want to heave the existing copyright on the test. One of them belongs to the U.S. lawyer James Boyle. He throws the copyright before sharpening the support of monopolistic structures.

Boyle made some time ago in Vienna attention to himself when he said at a meeting of the Information Retrieval Facility (IRF): ". Not science communication in the network works," The network no longer working for the science, but was only a platform for commercial activities. In his view, characterize Misunderstandings, paradoxes and outdated concepts of the discussion on intellectual property in the network.

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