Sunday, April 18, 2010

How To Wash Mucklucks

aesthetics of the shameless grin

country of grinning

The infestation of our planet with NRW election posters. He therefore believes that the time from pretty bad. - Grin and "create social justice." - Mona Lisa I: neurons fire when the eye sees a perfect symmetry. Cross-check: Election posters in NRW. - Too much uniformity in the brain and generates calls boredom. - A Ruhr metropolis full symmetry aliens. - It grins the greedy spark of power. One should look not only better. - Grin against the aesthetically sensitive eye. - You want elections? Here you have the aesthetics of the shameless grin! - Mona Lisa II: Land of Smiles return again! - Mon Dieu, now mornin's clear, to hell with the Grinsvisagen!


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