Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Was Angel Lola Luv A Stripper

European and international developments in data protection

event marking the European Data Protection Day on 30 January 2009 at the Chancellery with the motto: "European and international developments of data protection"

The increased interest of third countries outside the EU of information, particularly on defense or prosecution of terrorism or other serious crime, causes can be found with European data protection regulations no longer suffice. This leads to new data protection challenges.

deepened After introductory statements by the State Secretary Dr. Josef Oster Mayer, chairman of the Data Protection Council, Dr. Harald Wögerbauer and the Executive Member of the Data Protection Commission, Dr. Walter Kotschy of the Federal Privacy Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Peter Schaar, the subject in his talk "Recent developments in European and international data protection with special emphasis on trans-Atlantic dialogue. "

Following a public debate are Peter Schaar, Harald Wögerbauer and Walter Kotschy at a press conference to answer questions.

10 clock: Welcome and opening statement
State Secretary Dr. Josef OSTERMAYER

Statement by the Chairman of the Data Protection Council

statement the Executive Member of the Data Protection Commission MR Dr. Walter KOTSCHY

10.20 Clock: Recent Developments in European and international data protection with particular reference to the transatlantic dialogue

Peter Schaar, Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

public discussion

section chief Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg LIENBACHER, Federal Chancellery, Constitutional Service

11.30 Clock: Press conference
the data protection supervisory bodies (Haerdtl room)

media representatives and media representatives are cordially invited to this event. We ask at the entrance to the Chancellery a valid press card or a current letter of credit with their editors badge.

27th January 2009
for the chancellor:


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