Every thing is art if it the Ding said.
first child of Analkultur, with a more or less disturbed relationship with their own shit. Also to his maternal grandmother, the existing family of proof that a man be born only needs to be a Creative. Dad would have liked to be kicked. Neighborhood kids, soccer shoes, ran outside. Inside, colored pencils and paper out of the closet, e in green squiggle here, a yellow squiggle there . Dad has never been in the path. Only mom asked me, whether it is right. Well, because he wants to be sure, so it is. And a ls intact apple is not so easy from the tree, but holds on to his style. If he is so far the first time to ram a screwdriver in the door buzzer to drown the phone and delete the e-mail address. Therefore, it has mom always said, always, and always slow with such a clear voice, "You are what you are. She said it in the language of good quality cultural magazine. And he said it f Bühler good, really good at.
D ann he ran from home away and documented his machinations as a mature creative person.
Always with a cross-eyed look at the one thing that the creative is really the next. How was it done, what's done. The hair, for example, a single brush stroke, speed, rest, construction and spontaneity exactly balanced. Awesome. But as he is the one to admit, of course not, otherwise he would immediately drop everything and say, "Why after Velazquez still make a picture? Why should we ever make a picture, God knows there are enough creative stuff everywhere. Most of the scrap, much too, and if it comes up, maybe a bear. But then stolen. Involved in the paranormal Beuyskomplex. Creative acquisitive crime for the championship, also subsidized construction of an academic artist subjectivity by the state. would this normally on behalf of the aesthetically more reactive minorities are punished unless the Multi vanguard of this post-modern post-disaster, with some tasteless donors should ultimately come from to see the absence of talent to stable employment.
"The real artist in the Armory Show was the person who produced the urinal - you meant the
"Yes, but the urinal is not the product of one man. Thousands have been working: those who designed the china clay, those who transport them to Europe on ships ... This is so clear, but was pulled by Duchamp never considered. could be stolen - He has taken something somewhere almost say - and has thrown it into the bottom of the decadent cultural trends that make now that their fraud "
( Perhaps that still comes a time in which we might again fall in love with the art.)
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