maritime history, archeology, history
by page article in the Subject Overview
The new pages on the Editorial Services Blog habe ich nun die Links zu vielen der von mir bislang verfassten und bei suite101 und history.mediaquell publizierten Artikel übersichtlich zusammengefasst. Damit können interessierte Leser nicht nur wesentlich schnelle r und gezielter als bisher auf meine Beiträge zugreifen. Für Redakteure ist es nun auch einfacher geworden, die zur Zweitverwertung verfügbaren Artikel nach Themen oder Eignung für Ihr Printmedium herauszusuchen. Wie bereits im Reiter "Themen/Artikel" dargestellt, können Sie sich hier natürlich auch Ideen für Themenschwerpunkte holen und selbstverständlich auch exklusive Artikel bei mir in Auftrag geben. Die Seiten im Einzelnen:
Maritime history
treat the items listed here on quite different aspects of maritime history. Beginning of underwater archeology, shipping and ports, on ship types, structures and life on board, to shipbuilding, lines of development and cultural history. The division made here in "history" and "Special Topics" is against this background, not arbitrary, but certainly describe as coarse. Many articles could easily appear in several categories, which are therefore to be understood only as a guide.
A wide field, long issue here is no longer primarily concerned with excavations and artifacts collections. In particular, the interpretation of complex situations Directory Including scientific methods, historical sources and so-called cluster research can archeology, an increasing importance in the cultural history and the review of historical sources. In this respect the separation made here between the archaeological and the historical-cultural history of articles is not to look too closely. Selected cultures are here, and in particular the contributions period, based largely on archaeological evidence or even archeology to have content.
As on the side of shipping, history and Animal bedinden numerous reviews on the product links that are not always recognized as such.
here only classified by ages and specials you'll find articles on cultural history, technology and economic history, religious and industrial history and history of discovery and research cruises and more. Again, there are of course many interesting non-fiction reviews.
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