He switched from his night vision device. What those were for nights when Magic Marker and spray cans in underground shafts, subway depot and highway overpasses slipped to flood the post-modern self-discharges with pure Baroque painting. Pure Gangster Baroque, far from being beautiful to be, not even very ugly or obscene. And now these people who went through never Underground Mining, never at a motorway bridge, hung have never been in police custody, but have mixed their terribly wild and broken put up Underground dummies between, on behalf of their resourceful event agent from to produce the lower classes and Baroque neonschön verhässlichte obzönisierte operating art for the established names of contemporary art audience. It's just so, thinks the art soldier was seized in this planet earth from contemporary art, he looks worse and worse. They should understand it, he thinks, but they should not know beforehand what I will do.
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