25th March 2010 at the University of Vienna
organization by:
• Open Access Team, University of Vienna
• quality of the University of Vienna
• Bibliometrics team of the University Library Vienna
• information & Consultatio eU
Paul Ayris - UCL, University College London
Alma Swan - University of Southampton School of Electronics & Computer Science
Tim Brody - University of Southampton
Inge Van Nieuwerburgh - Ghent University
Panel Discussion: Open Access - Quo vadis Austria:
Peter Michor - Faculty of Mathematics, Univ. Vienna
Günter Mühlberger - Uniko , Forum research
Michael Nentwich - Academy
Falk Reckling - FWF
Maria Seissl - UB Vienna
Peter Seitz - BMWF
Mod: Chris Gump
as Open Access (English Open access) is called the free access to scientific literature and other materials on the Internet. A scientific document under Open Access conditions to publish is to read anyone's permission, this document, download, store, link it, print it and use free of charge to. In addition to free licenses are granted to users other rights, which can allow the free follow-up and re-use, dissemination, copying or alteration of documents.
2003 Berlin:
Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities
Berlin Declaration
DART is the European portal for control electronic Full texts of dissertations
it includes writings from 233 universities from 16 countries (- Austria is not -)
The platform has been around for several years based on the free communication of academics with each other and this relief. Voluntary action is required.
Open access to scholarly texts is not only interesting for universities, but also for institutions outside Europe and for researchers to non-university institutions - for example, economists at central banks ...
DART is filled with text, with links to: Current Research Information System - CRIS point.
number of downloads, 2009: 305 462
There are in all of Europe which multiple repositoriesWhat is a repository?
it is a managed site for storage of ordered documents,
are public and generally accessible. The digital repository is used to
storage of data and documents in computer and Internet
journal articles
dissertations including dissertations
books and their contents
multimedia data Orphaned
Open Access is recommended and promoted by EUA - European University Association and LERU - League of European Research Universities
The main advantage of publishing of scientific research in open access repositories is to increase awareness of the researcher, and his institution by the rapid increase in citations!
But the numbers that relate to the University of Vienna, show the great advantage
In 2009, the Univ. Vienna 4396 publications and those publications were cited 4084 times. Open access publishing can be an increase of 50% of Citations accept - ie, the number would increase to 6130th
no question that the visibility, the positive feedback and the market value of researchers and institutions, thus increasing - which plays a major role for the size of the budget and obtaining funding.
Open Access Repositories fast allow unrestricted access to scholarly (peer-reviewed) literature worldwide, independent communication and partnerships between academics, and the sharing of their data.
but also allow the addition (just not more) from Hermetic communication academics among themselves they preserve and access to texts and other documents free of practitioners and researchers.
the seven millennium problems in mathematics
Grigory Perelman, a mathematician from St. Petersburg, succeeded - like last week on the blog of the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts (CMI) - announced the first of the seven Millennium Prize Problems - (Poincaré Conjecture), made since 2000 in the world and their actuaries are - to solve.
On 18.3.10 - so last week - was his proof on the side of Clay
Institus and can thus reproduced from the small widely scattered community
of mathematicians around the world be.
Here it is obvious how slow and difficult the dissemination of news
in the usual way, namely the publication in one of the few - would go before
itself - monopolized by
few publishers expensive mathematical journals.
repositories - institutional or subject-create-based new roles for library staff:
-> With reference to the open publishing and open access in and
repositories build links with other researchers or promote
-> Advice at professional communities and partnerships of researchers and academics
-> Advice on IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
-> Advice on Open Access and law throughout Europe and Member States
-> Which is the best repository for a specific text of a specific subject
-> Information: Who is responsible for the maintenance of the data
-> communicate the benefits of parts and sharing of information to overcome the reluctance of researchers to the sharing of data
-> and above all: to free from the stranglehold of publishers
reference page for the self-publishing, Copyright-check: Publisher copyright policies
& self-archiving - Sherpa / Romeo
Some repositories:
europe scholar
Google Scholar
OpenAIRE - Contact in Austria: susanne.blumesberger @ univie.ac.at (Phaedra)
The situation in Austria:
The Rectors' Conference (Uniko) recommends the universities (in a paper from January 2010) the establishment of repositories and the electronic publishing and archiving.
In the course of the proof of academic achievement, "intellectual capital" - depends on the results of the allocated budget of a university, the institution is an Open Access repository recommended, because data for it are virtually the metadata for the "intellectual capital".
have suggested a central repository for Austria, hosted by OBVSG
The FWF pursued since 2004 an Open Access strategy
The Academy has a repository http://epub.oeaw.ac.at/
The UB Vienna offers repository, has formulated its objectives and preparing a publication before it, she has an Open Access Team offers free advice.
against a key - National - repository, there are concerns as diversity and redundancy in terms of safety, multiple copies, and long-term archiving benefits.
The autonomy of universities and libraries, and the fact that there is no central funding, lagging development in Austria for Open Access to and participation in global initiatives.
Quotes of the individual presenters and participants in the panel discussion
• "... make their learning and research more visible to the citizen "...
•" free knowledge - free scholarship "
• mission of universities is to disseminate knowledge and to make public
• Information must be free"
• How can people find out more about the least! what other people have worked
• "The goal is not public money to the shareholder (publishers ...) to deliver, but that knowledge - generate - all for free access"
• monopolization of knowledge and data leads among publishers at high prices
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