World Day Against Internet Censorship
few years ago was the World Day Against Internet Censorship Reporters Without Borders launched. Given the ever-expanding end censorship and surveillance FSA takes this as an opportunity to discuss current issues of freedom of information and privacy.
The platform FSA (Freedom instead of fear, Austria) invites to the following lecture:
C. Czeczil:
"Privacy and Freedom of Information - The safety of our basic digital rights
Date: 12.3.2010, 18:30 start clock
Location: Metalab, Rathausstr. 6 (basement), 1010 Vienna
go from Internet censorship and surveillance Hand in hand, which is the lecturer at first undPrivatsphäre deal with threats to anonymity while surfing. Here, the problems of exhibitionism a la Facebook and state control measures of Internet connections and access difficulties by DNA-locks are well addressed such as this, supporting so-called retention (suspected non-traffic data recording). Afterwards
lists methods that can help to meet a censorship mania as well as to obtain privacy or regain --- especially proxy and encryption techniques.
Freedom not fear, Austria
PO Box 139 1013 Vienna
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