data retention law ready for review
save libraries - what happens to readers and staff data?
After this April by the European Commission tabled action against Austria for failing to implement the Data Retention Directive now the bill is ready for data retention.
The Vienna Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights was charged with preparing such a draft and has him on Friday, 11.9. for the assessment and implementation submitted to the Infrastructure Ministry.
introduction before 2010
Infrastructure Minister Doris Bures (SPĂ–) is sticking to its plan to implement the data retention earlier than early 2010. The minister also speaks - in contrast to the previous Interior Minister Platter, who wanted to save all data at least 2 years - again for a six-month storage period of the data preset Audio of the EU minimum retention period.
depth discussions with experts
An expert group under the auspices of the Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights has been working since February on a bill that all data protection and the rule of law standards and requirements is to do justice. Since the award of the contract three official roundtables and intensive discussions by the Institute with operators, NGOs, social partners and the Bar Association, the ministries involved, the Data Protection, representatives of the Austrian Association of Judges and Privacy Commission have taken place.
The comprehensive 100-page paper to embrace the bill, an extensive explanation and documentation for the development process of the law with the different positions of the parties. The next step of the design would be reviewed by the Infrastructure Ministry itself, the interior and the Justice Department and the Federal Chancellery. Only then can the law in the Evaluation to go.
(Quote: - future zone)
require the EC Directive on data retention, the EU Member States to adopt laws that the provider - that in consequence also the library as an institution, using the Internet for free use provide - forcing all Internet traffic and mobile phone location data - to save over a period of at least six months and to provide law enforcement authorities to counter terrorism are available - in the case of libraries, the data from the reader.
Without reason the data of millions will be saved completely suspect persons, who, when they evaluated, an accurate movement and social profile of individuals can result.
Action Day Freedom not fear on 09/11/2009 - in Germany and Austria
called to demonstrate in Germany is a very broad alliance - consisting of conservation organizations, community organizations, professional associations and trade unions. There were also some federal and state associations of the Greens and the "Left" and the FDP, led by the Pirate Party.
in Austria was the manifestation of the interests of data protection is much smaller and more discreet in - after all: information stands at 3 in Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz, people were aware of the growing threat of a surveillance state. The information booth in Vienna with 15 people, a very decentralized - in the Millennium City - after all, there was strong and supply was distributed over 5000 flyers in 10 hours and enlighten many people about the planned control measures.
protection to workers, the German services union Verdi
"We have full data breaches, from spying by employers and shareholders nose. An effective representation of workers' interests requires a rigorous data protection, "said the ver.di leader Frank Bsirske. This suggested that the future employees a broad right of access to and information on occupational to provide data collections. At the same time a ban on the monitoring of electronic communications of employees is just as desirable as the comprehensive protection of their data communications. ver.di will bring to the upcoming legislative process for more suggestions.
Jungle World No. 37, 09/10/2009
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