This curator from Berlin, is nothing of its kind even if it is not strictly a curator and not really in Berlin. But the art their soldier may exceptionally good relationship with true art. An absolutely fascinating women Fiber. Unbelievable, how pathetic they can be, even with a mediocre work. Without being even slightly naive.
The work of art soldiers, she says, has a deep, personal level of meaning. His meditations on spatial perception have assumed a deep self-reflection and formed a parallel to his personal limits. If the limits are in us, they ask extremely winning the highly transparent public art, comparable to the transparent, to be traversed chamber wall? Or are these limits virtual products of our inner perceptions, we could resolve by deep self-reflection? - And how she knows how to highlight the different context are the artist. Furthermore, his various recontextualizations and developed here, always disturbing acting forms of artistic Selbsttherapierung. At the end of a perfect "Thank you for your attention and sustained applause of an enthusiastic audience at least virtually.
This woman is deep. For the soldiers of art symbolizes the demand for a new beginning of art reception beyond superficial Kunstbetriebsamkeit. The fact that she is after her impressive appearance suddenly dived again, three hotels instructed the upmarket caused by their hotel costs paid to the local Museum of Contemporary Art, in no way diminishes her extraordinary abilities. Although it is said in the museum never made representations that they would do it after all can. If this alleged professional cultural institution can show where art and has to go tiefenheoretisch long. True art connoisseur finds its recognition motifs in itself, not silly in any hotel bills. spread
that then also the features section of the local press, was the wife would have a slightly "unkempt" and also suffer from a "perception problem" is further evidence of the approaching end of the currently still firmly holding on completely ignorant arrogance Kunsthofgesellschaft Santander.