for athletes, soldiers and students are the 02.12.2008 the same values;
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games in war is not the victory but the participation, as well as the most important thing in life is not the victory but the pursuit of a goal. The most important thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. "
The chancellor decides the direction of policy and bears the responsibility. Within these limits each Minister's business forward independently under their own responsibility. Differences of opinion between the Federal Ministers will decide the federal government. The Chancellor shall forward its business after the federal government agreed to and approved by the Federal President Rules .
I wonder why business is not government business and ?
The German nationality may be by a certificate of nationality ( certificate of citizenship ) projects. It is issued at the request of the national authority . The Federal ID card or passport, the German is not a proof of the possession of German citizenship. you only to justify the assumption that the ID card holder has the German nationality.