Directive of the EU Commission: Copyright in the Information society
The objectives of the Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (2001/29/EC) are to adapt legislation on copyright and related rights to reflect technological developments and to transpose into Community law the main international obligations arising from the two treaties on copyright and related rights adopted within the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in December 1996. It is an essential building block for the Information Society. The final text is a result of over three years of thorough discussion and an example of co-decision making where the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission have all had a Decisive input.
Click here for the libraries for the interesting part of the "Green Paper on Copyright Directive" of the EU Commission ---->>
The combination of broad exclusive rights, and certain limited exceptions, on the other hand, raises the question whether is achieved with the exception exhaustive list of the "rights and interests, a reasonable balance between the different categories of right holders [...] and users".
A prospective analysis has to deal with the question whether the compensation established by the directive in a rapidly changing environment as before. New technologies and social and cultural practices constantly challenging the balance, while new market players, such as search engines try to put these changes into new business models. Such developments also have potentially lead to a shift in values between the various players in the Internet and give the relationship between the owners of digital content and those who provide technologies to navigate, disturbing. Against this background
all stakeholders asked to comment on the Green Paper to set out in this technical and legal developments. The questions are merely illustrative value, ie the participants can express themselves and to each other in this paper addressed or touched upon.
answers and opinions on all or some of the issues, should, by 30 November 2008 be addressed to:
mailto: Should
stakeholders wish to submit confidential information, he should clearly indicate to handle that part of their submission as confidential and not on the Commission website be reported separately. All posts that do not marked confidential, may be published by the Commission.