The misery of globalism
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Am 41and I Have Spotting After Periods
mysterious ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
also for libraries would have the proposed trade agreements on copyright, copyright piracy and probably critical impacts. When it comes to the ACTA provisions are primarily the interests of rights holders are protected. Libraries could in the near have to restrict future public access to their collections or to the Internet and will be forced to step up surveillance of its users even more.
->> application EFF and Public Knowledge vs. USTR (United States Trade Representative)
100 civil society Organizations worldwide in a petition calling for the immediate disclosure of the draft to the previously negotiated secret ACTA secret agreement against piracy. Privacy advocates are concerned that ACTA will bring far-reaching restrictions on the fundamental rights of citizens. The few leaked documents indicated that customs officers receive most extensive search powers and Internet provider to "cooperation" can be forced with the media industry.
"We urge the negotiators of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement [ACTA] on to make the draft agreement public immediately, as all the discussion papers before negotiations will continue." From Germany include the network Free Knowledge (Berlin) and the Buko Pharma-Kampagne (Bielefeld) to the signatories.
The two U.S. civil rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF ) and Public Knowledge want to force the U.S. government in court for release of information about the largely secret negotiated Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). You have to brought against the Trade Delegation of the United States brought to their tasks, the worldwide expansion of the regime of intellectual property rights is one
ACTA should still be signed before the end of the George W. Bush. The EFF had an exam in June of the draft under Freedom of Information Act promised. ->> application
had previously also made developing countries front against ACTA and urged to put the work in the proposed multilateral agreement on a broader international base such as under the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). AIDS support organization in Malaysia to Peru to fear for the supply of the developing countries with cheap generic drugs, privacy advocates warn of a total surveillance of the Internet.
that was initiated on ACTA parties
ACTA, the outside of the responsible bodies of the World Trade Organization [WTO] and WIPO [World Intellectual Property Organization] is in the U.S., France and other EU countries, plus Japan and Australia.
ACTA meeting on 11 and 22 September
The EU Council of Ministers on 11 September devoted to the topic. The secrecy on the part of EU and U.S. negotiators will continue, however. It is certain now, however, that the Internet will be affected by the ACTA measures.
In the United States, the clink in 2007 at the G-7 meeting, the ACTA process on 22 September at 10.00 clock in Washington DC for an open registration information meeting for stakeholders on ACTA place. The
Draft of the agreement, which is still to be concluded this year between the EU, the United States and other industrialized nations such as Japan and Mexico, by the parties involved still carefully kept under wraps. After all
is now part of the Council of the Union submitted a working document that 26 to August 2008 is dated. The actual draft agreement has not been published by the Council. The staff responsible for the negotiations EU Commission refuses so far to disclose the progress of negotiations.
lead in Austria in terms of ACTA, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, currently headed by Martin Bartenstein [ÖVP], are also involved in Department of Justice and the Commissioner for Customs Ministry of Finance.
actions against Internet piracy
The working paper of the Council is vague. Generally, the Council invites the Commission and the member states, more to do against piracy. The fact that should be taken against piracy on the Web is several times stated. To accurate measures in the paper is nothing.
The Council recommends the establishment of an EU Centre to combat piracy. Commission and Member States should create for the years 2009 to 2012, a plan by which the customs authorities will be better equipped for the fight against counterfeiting. Also, this schedule indicates that ACTA adopted quickly should be. This will better link the customs authorities and the legislation will be adjusted accordingly. To protect the intellectual property, "the document concludes, should" take all appropriate measures are taken. " could
surveillance and censorship have
In the open letter, the NGOs point out that indicate documents which have been expressed by lobbying organizations that ACTA engage deeply in its citizens' fundamental rights and bring deterioration in their work. So it was likely that were included in the contract restrictive passages for patents on medicines and software. The EFF is concerned that ACTA Internet Provider could commit to constantly scan their traffic to copyrighted material through.
Us What Internet provider?
In the United States had been the trade associations of Internet providers, including industry giants such as AT & T, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo and other Internet-based company issued against the way in negotiating what and how here. They are facing the prospect of ACTA to the auxiliary police "rights holders" to be.
tried in France, the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy just push through a law providing a complete monitoring of Internet traffic through the Provider requires.
Three infringers to the network operators are forced to block internet access of the client.
were strikingly similar passages were also found in the telecommunications package of the EU, on 2 As discussed in the September plenary session of the European Parliament.
A position paper of the Federation of German Industries [BDI], the present tends in the same direction.
The wall of silence the Economics Ministry has sought immediately and repeatedly, which is contained in the Abkommmen, which will be in use by the parties nor decided this year, because actually. A parliamentary question from Mr Johann Maier responded to the Justice Ministry with the information that at ACTA Ministry that was responsible.
was a response to date from the Ministry of Economy, on questions to the European Commission, the Austrian Federation of Industry, the Federation of German Industry, the EU Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx and EU Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros there was also no reaction.
On the EU-Commission has been assured regular as stereotypical, there is still no agreement text provided, all other parties are silent on the long term.
online ORF, ORF futurezone 3A% 2F% 2Fticker%% 2F302619.html
Heise News Ticker acta - Application
How ACTA kills your job
ACTA: Call for trade war against developing countries
Arguments against ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
also for libraries would have the proposed trade agreements on copyright, copyright piracy and probably critical impacts. When it comes to the ACTA provisions are primarily the interests of rights holders are protected. Libraries could in the near have to restrict future public access to their collections or to the Internet and will be forced to step up surveillance of its users even more.
At a public hearing on 22 September, U.S. companies in the IT and Internet industries, library associations, civil rights groups warned against vague and far-reaching regulation. (, Networld 24/09/2008)
->> application EFF and Public Knowledge vs. USTR (United States Trade Representative)
100 civil society Organizations worldwide in a petition calling for the immediate disclosure of the draft to the previously negotiated secret ACTA secret agreement against piracy. Privacy advocates are concerned that ACTA will bring far-reaching restrictions on the fundamental rights of citizens. The few leaked documents indicated that customs officers receive most extensive search powers and Internet provider to "cooperation" can be forced with the media industry.
"We urge the negotiators of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement [ACTA] on to make the draft agreement public immediately, as all the discussion papers before negotiations will continue." From Germany include the network Free Knowledge (Berlin) and the Buko Pharma-Kampagne (Bielefeld) to the signatories.
The two U.S. civil rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF ) and Public Knowledge want to force the U.S. government in court for release of information about the largely secret negotiated Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). You have to brought against the Trade Delegation of the United States brought to their tasks, the worldwide expansion of the regime of intellectual property rights is one
ACTA should still be signed before the end of the George W. Bush. The EFF had an exam in June of the draft under Freedom of Information Act promised. ->> application
had previously also made developing countries front against ACTA and urged to put the work in the proposed multilateral agreement on a broader international base such as under the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). AIDS support organization in Malaysia to Peru to fear for the supply of the developing countries with cheap generic drugs, privacy advocates warn of a total surveillance of the Internet.
that was initiated on ACTA parties
ACTA, the outside of the responsible bodies of the World Trade Organization [WTO] and WIPO [World Intellectual Property Organization] is in the U.S., France and other EU countries, plus Japan and Australia.
ACTA meeting on 11 and 22 September
The EU Council of Ministers on 11 September devoted to the topic. The secrecy on the part of EU and U.S. negotiators will continue, however. It is certain now, however, that the Internet will be affected by the ACTA measures.
In the United States, the clink in 2007 at the G-7 meeting, the ACTA process on 22 September at 10.00 clock in Washington DC for an open registration information meeting for stakeholders on ACTA place. The
Draft of the agreement, which is still to be concluded this year between the EU, the United States and other industrialized nations such as Japan and Mexico, by the parties involved still carefully kept under wraps. After all
is now part of the Council of the Union submitted a working document that 26 to August 2008 is dated. The actual draft agreement has not been published by the Council. The staff responsible for the negotiations EU Commission refuses so far to disclose the progress of negotiations.
lead in Austria in terms of ACTA, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, currently headed by Martin Bartenstein [ÖVP], are also involved in Department of Justice and the Commissioner for Customs Ministry of Finance.
actions against Internet piracy
The working paper of the Council is vague. Generally, the Council invites the Commission and the member states, more to do against piracy. The fact that should be taken against piracy on the Web is several times stated. To accurate measures in the paper is nothing.
The Council recommends the establishment of an EU Centre to combat piracy. Commission and Member States should create for the years 2009 to 2012, a plan by which the customs authorities will be better equipped for the fight against counterfeiting. Also, this schedule indicates that ACTA adopted quickly should be. This will better link the customs authorities and the legislation will be adjusted accordingly. To protect the intellectual property, "the document concludes, should" take all appropriate measures are taken. " could
surveillance and censorship have
In the open letter, the NGOs point out that indicate documents which have been expressed by lobbying organizations that ACTA engage deeply in its citizens' fundamental rights and bring deterioration in their work. So it was likely that were included in the contract restrictive passages for patents on medicines and software. The EFF is concerned that ACTA Internet Provider could commit to constantly scan their traffic to copyrighted material through.
Us What Internet provider?
In the United States had been the trade associations of Internet providers, including industry giants such as AT & T, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo and other Internet-based company issued against the way in negotiating what and how here. They are facing the prospect of ACTA to the auxiliary police "rights holders" to be.
tried in France, the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy just push through a law providing a complete monitoring of Internet traffic through the Provider requires.
Three infringers to the network operators are forced to block internet access of the client.
were strikingly similar passages were also found in the telecommunications package of the EU, on 2 As discussed in the September plenary session of the European Parliament.
A position paper of the Federation of German Industries [BDI], the present tends in the same direction.
The wall of silence the Economics Ministry has sought immediately and repeatedly, which is contained in the Abkommmen, which will be in use by the parties nor decided this year, because actually. A parliamentary question from Mr Johann Maier responded to the Justice Ministry with the information that at ACTA Ministry that was responsible.
was a response to date from the Ministry of Economy, on questions to the European Commission, the Austrian Federation of Industry, the Federation of German Industry, the EU Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx and EU Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros there was also no reaction.
On the EU-Commission has been assured regular as stereotypical, there is still no agreement text provided, all other parties are silent on the long term.
online ORF, ORF futurezone 3A% 2F% 2Fticker%% 2F302619.html
Heise News Ticker acta - Application
How ACTA kills your job
ACTA: Call for trade war against developing countries
Arguments against ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Site Feed URL
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Traditional Pension Plans In India
Directive of the EU Commission: Copyright in the Information society
The objectives of the Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (2001/29/EC) are to adapt legislation on copyright and related rights to reflect technological developments and to transpose into Community law the main international obligations arising from the two treaties on copyright and related rights adopted within the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in December 1996. It is an essential building block for the Information Society. The final text is a result of over three years of thorough discussion and an example of co-decision making where the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission have all had a Decisive input.
Click here for the libraries for the interesting part of the "Green Paper on Copyright Directive" of the EU Commission ---->>
The combination of broad exclusive rights, and certain limited exceptions, on the other hand, raises the question whether is achieved with the exception exhaustive list of the "rights and interests, a reasonable balance between the different categories of right holders [...] and users".
A prospective analysis has to deal with the question whether the compensation established by the directive in a rapidly changing environment as before. New technologies and social and cultural practices constantly challenging the balance, while new market players, such as search engines try to put these changes into new business models. Such developments also have potentially lead to a shift in values between the various players in the Internet and give the relationship between the owners of digital content and those who provide technologies to navigate, disturbing. Against this background
all stakeholders asked to comment on the Green Paper to set out in this technical and legal developments. The questions are merely illustrative value, ie the participants can express themselves and to each other in this paper addressed or touched upon.
answers and opinions on all or some of the issues, should, by 30 November 2008 be addressed to:
mailto: Should
stakeholders wish to submit confidential information, he should clearly indicate to handle that part of their submission as confidential and not on the Commission website be reported separately. All posts that do not marked confidential, may be published by the Commission.
Directive of the EU Commission: Copyright in the Information society
The objectives of the Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (2001/29/EC) are to adapt legislation on copyright and related rights to reflect technological developments and to transpose into Community law the main international obligations arising from the two treaties on copyright and related rights adopted within the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in December 1996. It is an essential building block for the Information Society. The final text is a result of over three years of thorough discussion and an example of co-decision making where the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission have all had a Decisive input.
Click here for the libraries for the interesting part of the "Green Paper on Copyright Directive" of the EU Commission ---->>
The combination of broad exclusive rights, and certain limited exceptions, on the other hand, raises the question whether is achieved with the exception exhaustive list of the "rights and interests, a reasonable balance between the different categories of right holders [...] and users".
A prospective analysis has to deal with the question whether the compensation established by the directive in a rapidly changing environment as before. New technologies and social and cultural practices constantly challenging the balance, while new market players, such as search engines try to put these changes into new business models. Such developments also have potentially lead to a shift in values between the various players in the Internet and give the relationship between the owners of digital content and those who provide technologies to navigate, disturbing. Against this background
all stakeholders asked to comment on the Green Paper to set out in this technical and legal developments. The questions are merely illustrative value, ie the participants can express themselves and to each other in this paper addressed or touched upon.
answers and opinions on all or some of the issues, should, by 30 November 2008 be addressed to:
mailto: Should
stakeholders wish to submit confidential information, he should clearly indicate to handle that part of their submission as confidential and not on the Commission website be reported separately. All posts that do not marked confidential, may be published by the Commission.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Scented Garbage Pail Bags
video surveillance in Austria soon without permission allows
Posted Daniel AJ Sokolov
Any person, especially with regard to respect for his private and family life, right to privacy of personal data concerning him, if a legitimate interest in it. (Data Protection Act, § 1, Article 1)
The Austrian Federal government plans a comprehensive amendment of the Data Protection Act, which dates back to 2000 (Act 2000). Major changes are the abolition of the permit requirements for video surveillance systems and the introduction of data protection officers in companies. provided still is not demanded by the EU Commission independence of the data protection commission. A related infringement proceedings against the Republic of Austria has been running since mid-2005. The amendment is still to 21 May under review, with anyone via e-mail to mailto: can take position. next ->>>
Posted Daniel AJ Sokolov
Any person, especially with regard to respect for his private and family life, right to privacy of personal data concerning him, if a legitimate interest in it. (Data Protection Act, § 1, Article 1)
The Austrian Federal government plans a comprehensive amendment of the Data Protection Act, which dates back to 2000 (Act 2000). Major changes are the abolition of the permit requirements for video surveillance systems and the introduction of data protection officers in companies. provided still is not demanded by the EU Commission independence of the data protection commission. A related infringement proceedings against the Republic of Austria has been running since mid-2005. The amendment is still to 21 May under review, with anyone via e-mail to mailto: can take position. next ->>>
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